Pronouns: She/Her
Height:5' 4"
Measurements: 50"/46"/60"
Fave Food: sweet potato enchiladas
Fave Drink: green tea
Fave Color: orange
Fave Band: Pavement
Fave Movie: Heathers
Fave Show:The Office
Where to find Stella: 📷
A little bit about Stella.
What do you think is your best feature?
Personality!! I know that seems like a "big girl" cop out trait, but hear me out. I style my hair by my personality (or lack of styling, really), I pick my clothes based on my personality, hell my makeup is 100% Stella realness. Who I am embodies every aspect of me and who I choose to be daily!
What are you most passionate about doing?
Connecting music and mental health. Music was where I found myself at my loneliest points. I want to use this to build up the people in my community so they can be as healthy and fulfilled as possible.
How would you describe your personal style?
Eclectic and ever-changing. Every day is a chance to perform who you want to be that day.
What makes you feel best in your body?
Dressing for me and me alone. Any time I have ever dressed to please a partner, an audience, a boss, anyone else really, I have felt so uncomfortable in my own skin. These days I dress to suit who I am.
What's one random thing you're really good at?
What's something you want to see more of in fashion?